We wrote to our students this morning, as they receieved their A Level and equivalent results:
“When you receive your results today, remember, we are proud of you. We cannot begin to express our admiration for the way you have faced down the extraordinary challenges that have come your way throughout Y12 and Y13, the resilience you have shown completing your studies through the pressures of a pandemic and the disruption and uncertainty that has come with it. None of us had to face the kind of educational turbulence you have been forced to cope with: national lockdowns and school closures, remote learning, adapting to the necessarily stringent safety measures in school, intermittent and out-of-the-blue requirements to self-isolate — all at the same time as navigating your way through the emotional pressures that the pandemic has inevitably brought for us all. But I hope you know that your teachers know and recognise this, and have worked tirelessly, diligently, and thoughtfully as a result to make sure that you had the best opportunities to learn given such extraordinary circumstances, that you had appropriate opportunities to show what you have learned and, moreover, to ensure that you are offered fair outcomes for your progression. As one commentator has said of the entire profession, your teachers have gone the extra mile — and then a few. Just like you.”
We are incredibly proud of and excited for our students. Around 85% of students who applied to University have been offered their first choice places. 8 students achieved three A* grades and 1 in 5 students achieved three A*-A grades. Many results also illustrate the truly remarkable progress several of our students have made over their time with us.
The process we followed to arrive at their Teacher Assessed Grades this year was thorough and rigorous, and teachers worked incredibly hard — in extraordinarily challenging circumstances, with the support of our Dartmoor Multi Academy Trust family, against a backdrop of uncertainty and other coronavirus related pressures — to ensure that the grades students have achieved were based on our ‘fair, reasonable and carefully considered judgement of their performance across a range of evidence, on the curriculum content that they have been taught’
“When you receive your results today, remember, we are proud of you. We cannot begin to express our admiration for the way you have faced down the extraordinary challenges that have come your way throughout Y12 and Y13, the resilience you have shown completing your studies through the pressures of a pandemic and the disruption and uncertainty that has come with it. None of us had to face the kind of educational turbulence you have been forced to cope with: national lockdowns and school closures, remote learning, adapting to the necessarily stringent safety measures in school, intermittent and out-of-the-blue requirements to self-isolate — all at the same time as navigating your way through the emotional pressures that the pandemic has inevitably brought for us all. But I hope you know that your teachers know and recognise this, and have worked tirelessly, diligently, and thoughtfully as a result to make sure that you had the best opportunities to learn given such extraordinary circumstances, that you had appropriate opportunities to show what you have learned and, moreover, to ensure that you are offered fair outcomes for your progression. As one commentator has said of the entire profession, your teachers have gone the extra mile — and then a few. Just like you.”
We are incredibly proud of and excited for our students. Around 85% of students who applied to University have been offered their first choice places. 8 students achieved three A* grades and 1 in 5 students achieved three A*-A grades. Many results also illustrate the truly remarkable progress several of our students have made over their time with us.
The process we followed to arrive at their Teacher Assessed Grades this year was thorough and rigorous, and teachers worked incredibly hard — in extraordinarily challenging circumstances, with the support of our Dartmoor Multi Academy Trust family, against a backdrop of uncertainty and other coronavirus related pressures — to ensure that the grades students have achieved were based on our ‘fair, reasonable and carefully considered judgement of their performance across a range of evidence, on the curriculum content that they have been taught’