Extended Learning Day:
Information for Parents
Extended Learning Day - 22nd of June 2021
The aim of Extended Learning Day is to ensure we are providing a full and enriching curriculum for all. These days are used to explore areas of the wider curriculum including Character Education, Sex Education, Careers Education, Citizenship, Culture and Diversity.
Each year group will have two sessions during the day, split into our current timetable of lesson 1 (9.10-11.35am) and lesson 2 (11.35am-2.10pm) with normal year group breaks included during these times. The final lesson of the day from 2.15-3.20pm will be your child's normal timetabled subject lesson.
Please be advised that although this day includes teaching sessions outside of your child’s normal subject timetable, that they will be delivered within tutor group bubbles and in line with the college risk assessment and guidelines for COVID-19 procedures.
Each year group will have two sessions during the day, split into our current timetable of lesson 1 (9.10-11.35am) and lesson 2 (11.35am-2.10pm) with normal year group breaks included during these times. The final lesson of the day from 2.15-3.20pm will be your child's normal timetabled subject lesson.
Please be advised that although this day includes teaching sessions outside of your child’s normal subject timetable, that they will be delivered within tutor group bubbles and in line with the college risk assessment and guidelines for COVID-19 procedures.
If you have any further queries regarding this day, please contact: [email protected]