NSPCC (24 hours) - 0808 800 5000 - nspcc.org.uk
MIND (Monday - Friday 9-6) 0300 123 3393
Cruse Bereavement (Monday to Friday 9-5) 0800 808 1677 - cruse.org.uk
National Domestic Abuse Helpline (24 hours, freephone) - 0808 2000 247
National Centre for Domestic Violence - 0207 186 8270
RESPECT - Men's Advice Line (Monday - Friday 9-5) - 0808 801 0327
Action on Elder Abuse (Monday - Friday 9-5) - 0808 808 8141
Victim Support (24 hours) - 0808 168 9111
Childline (9am - midnight) - 0800 1111 - childline.org.uk
Samaritans (24 hours, freephone) - 116 123 or 08457 909090
Young Minds (24 hours, freephone) - 0800 567 123 - youngminds.org.uk
Kooth - Mental Health website for young people: kooth.com
MIND (Monday - Friday 9-6) 0300 123 3393
Cruse Bereavement (Monday to Friday 9-5) 0800 808 1677 - cruse.org.uk
National Domestic Abuse Helpline (24 hours, freephone) - 0808 2000 247
National Centre for Domestic Violence - 0207 186 8270
RESPECT - Men's Advice Line (Monday - Friday 9-5) - 0808 801 0327
Action on Elder Abuse (Monday - Friday 9-5) - 0808 808 8141
Victim Support (24 hours) - 0808 168 9111
Childline (9am - midnight) - 0800 1111 - childline.org.uk
Samaritans (24 hours, freephone) - 116 123 or 08457 909090
Young Minds (24 hours, freephone) - 0800 567 123 - youngminds.org.uk
Kooth - Mental Health website for young people: kooth.com